jimmy jammies and the whim whams
jimmy jammies and the whim whams
Saturday, February 25, 2006
so i'm sunburnt. but not as bad as my housemate. my face is still reddish. i'm gonna be really slathering on the sunblock tomorrow for soccer. the sun here is really killer. all i did was be in the sun for maybe 2-3 hours. won't be taking any more chances. don't want to the soccer session to turn into a barbecue.

it's kinda hard to start an exercise regime when the sun eats into your face the moment you step out of the shade.

so, grocery shopping today. we got the essentials. though the area that was really replenished was the snack cupboard. it's so replenished some of the stuff has to go on another shelf. i must say i had very little part in that. all i bought was some biscuits and gummies. because gummies rule.

remember the job i was moaning about not getting last semester. well, this sem i got it and i might be starting on monday. the job title is a tad grand for my liking and i am now pressured to live up to "computer support assistant". d00d i am |ike officia||y a g33k. |33t!!1!

speaking of which, if you get the chance, get your geek on and watch 'the IT crowd', this new british comedy about an IT department in an office building. it's packed with gigglebytes of laughs.

up down left right A B start.